Appendix 5: Local Authorities Elections Act and Legislation

Local Authorities Elections Act and Legislation

Appendix 5 from the Campaign School for Women Participant Workbook

The Local Authorities Elections Act governs community government elections.  This legislation sets out the eligibility criteria for voters and candidates, establishes the election calendar, sets out the election process, provides for recounts and judicial reviews, describes unlawful election activities, and describes the procedure for disposing of used ballots and other election materials.

Every municipal corporation is established under the authority of territorial legislation.  The legislation includes the Cities, Towns and Villages Act, the Hamlets Act, the Charter Communities Act, and the Tlicho Community Government Act.  You may have to refer to these Acts, their regulations and your bylaws to find information on the number of elected officials, the terms of office, election dates, voting alternatives, vote counting and staggered terms of elected officials.