Module 8: Putting Your Name Forward

Putting Your Name Forward

Module 8 from the Campaign School for Women Participant Workbook

It’s important to recognize that challenging ourselves to do something new and different is going to feel scary and possibly uncomfortable.  You may notice your inner critique telling you that you’re not good enough or not ready enough. Be careful not to listen to that critique too closely.  That’s the self-doubt that is trying to hold you back from taking a risk.  However, it’s those feelings of discomfort that could mean that we’re pushing ourselves to grow, to do something bigger than we have done before -to make a difference. 

Our communities in the NWT need more balanced representation to guide the decisions that are made.  You may even choose to support the involvement of political participation by supporting another candidate as you become more comfortable with the process yourself.

Women in the NWT have much to offer public life.  Whether it is skill, ability, education, life experience, or commitment; women are needed to balance public discourse decisions made by our elected leaders.  Substantive representation of all northerners is not only good for democracy but is also good for public policy and governance. 

There are countless ways to serve your community to affect change.  Once you are ready to consider running for an elected official role, be sure to do your homework to understand if you’re eligible, how to get nominated, the time requirements in that role, the expectations of serving in that role and the campaign rules.  Remember that it’s important that our elected officials resemble the people that they serve and that the NWT needs more women to step up into these important and powerful roles.